File formats

File formats

This table represents all image file formats that can be uploaded and viewed in IKOSA Portal.


  1. the maximum upload size of a single image is 16GB.

  2. not all file formats are supported by IKOSA Prisma and IKOSA AI image analysis apps. Please see the last column of the table below for more precise information.

  3. some applications may have additional image file requirements, i.e. not only format, but also bit/colour depth and size. These specifications are listed in the documentation of each application (IKOSA Prisma docs, IKOSA AI docs).

  4. some image types cannot be uploaded to IKOSA Portal, but they can be analyzed via Prisma API. All you have to do is contact us at support@ikosa.ai


purple - Whole-slide image support (also stated WSI)

Blue - standard image, no WSI support, maximum size of 625 Megapixel (e.g. 25,000 x 25,000 Pixel).


File Extension(s)


Supported by IKOSA Portal

Supported use (applications and training)

(IKOSA Prisma docs, IKOSA AI docs)


File Extension(s)


Supported by IKOSA Portal

Supported use (applications and training)

(IKOSA Prisma docs, IKOSA AI docs)

Aperio/Leica SVS (TIFF)

svs, tif


2D - WSI - 8-bit


Axon Quantification (>=1.0.0)

CAM Assay (>=2.0.0)

Confluence Assay (>=1.0.0)

Cytosolic & Nuclear Translocation Assay (1.0.0, 2.0.0, 3.0.0, 3.1.0)

Ki-67 Breast Quantification (>=1.0.0)

Network Formation Assay (>=2.0.0)

Neuronal Network Morphology (>=1.0.0) (not a publicly available app)

Spheroid Sprouting Assay (2.0.0, 2.1.0)

Wound Healing (Scratch) Assay (>=1.0.0)

Ovarian Carcinoma DAB Scoring (>=1.0.0) (not a publicly available app)

CD31 IHC Vessel Quantification (>=1.0.0)

Neurite Outgrowth PC (>=1.0.0)

IKOSA AI (deployed apps):

IKOSA AI Semantic Segmentation (>=4.2.0)

IKOSA AI Instance Segmentation 2D (>=1.0.0)

IKOSA AI (application training):

IKOSA AI Semantic Segmentation

IKOSA AI Instance Segmentation 2D

Hamamatsu NDPI



2D - WSI - 8-bit


Axon Quantification (>=1.0.0)

CAM Assay (>=2.0.0)

Confluence Assay (>=1.0.0)

Cytosolic & Nuclear Translocation Assay (1.0.0, 2.0.0, 3.0.0, 3.1.0)

Ki-67 Breast Quantification (>=1.0.0)

Network Formation Assay (>=2.0.0)

Neuronal Network Morphology (>=1.0.0) (not a publicly available app)

Spheroid Sprouting Assay (2.0.0, 2.1.0)

Wound Healing (Scratch) Assay (>=1.0.0)

Ovarian Carcinoma DAB Scoring (>=1.0.0) (not a publicly available app)

CD31 IHC Vessel Quantification (>=1.0.0)

Neurite Outgrowth PC (>=1.0.0)

IKOSA AI (deployed apps):

IKOSA AI Semantic Segmentation (>=4.2.0)

IKOSA AI Instance Segmentation 2D (>=1.0.0)

IKOSA AI (application training):

IKOSA AI Semantic Segmentation

IKOSA AI Instance Segmentation 2D

Zeiss CZI



2D - WSI - 8-bit

2D - WSI - 16-bit

Multichannel - WSI - 8-bit